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Meet Chris McDaniel

The most ineffective politician in Mississippi, Chris McDaniel talks a big game on social media but never delivers conservative change.  In every major fight that matters for conservatives, he has refused to either show up or stand up.


Chris McDaniel is a politician to whom unscrupulous people gravitate.  Chris McDaniel's three failed statewide campaigns have been marred in scandal, including the break-in of a nursing homehis supporters mysteriously getting locked inside a closed courthouse hours after an election ended$465,000 of illegal and anonymous campaign contributions, and his hiring of Democrat operatives to plant false stories smearing other conservatives.


On the surface Chris McDaniel presents one image, but even the tiniest scratch on the surface exposes the worst kind of trial lawyer and career politician. Time after time and issue after issue he fails to stand up or deliver anything other than dirty campaign tricks.

Running an illegally funded race only propped up by DC Swamp dark money, McDaniel still refuses to disclose who is really pulling his strings and funding his campaign based on a lie. Scandal after scandal and lie after lie, Chris McDaniel continues to prove that Chris McDaniel is only out for Chris McDaniel, not the conservative movement and is unfit to serve Mississippi.


Hiding in his office or not showing up for work. Chris McDaniel was not present to vote for the Senate's critical election integrity package.

Failing to speak up in protecting our children, even missing a vote to ban pornography in schools and libraries.

Passing only 3 inconsequential bills in a decade in Jackson

Calling President Trump's supporters "delusional" and claiming President Trump is "not a constitutional conservative."

Being referred for criminal investigation for $465,000 in illegal campaign contributions

Hiring Democrats to attack Mississippi conservatives 

Campaign operatives broke into a nursing home to photograph a political opponents ill family member

Bragging about the endorsement of someone facing multiple counts of embezzling money from conservative causes and sexually assaulting a young male campaign staffer.

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The Most Ineffective Politician in Mississippi

In the last decade in the Legislature, Chris McDaniel has failed to pass any significant conservative legislation. The only three items he has passed since 2013 are two congratulatory proclamations and a resolution for Mosquito awareness.     

Trashed President Trump & Trump Supporters

Chris McDaniel, turned his back on President Trump and Trump supporters accusing President Trump of not being a constitutional conservative. Chris McDaniel said President Trump was not his choice for president and called people who support President Trump "delusional."

Master of Dirty Tricks

Chris McDaniel’s campaign has hired Democrats to plant false media stories and attack Mississippi conservatives.

Chris McDaniel has said Donald Trump is not a constitutional conservative, wasn't his pick for President, and called President Trump's supporters delusional."

Absent for Conservative Fights

Chris McDaniel commonly does not show up for work, which can jeopardize legislation like House Bill 1315, which bans pornography in schools and libraries. He failed to vote on a critical election integrity bill passed by the Senate. He did not speak up on protecting our children from the radical transgender agenda and porn in schools. 

Questionable Associates 

Prominent Chris McDaniel supporters and donors have been convicted of possessing child pornography. Others have been caught breaking into a nursing home to take photos of their opponents’ ill family members, been found locked inside a closed courthouse right after an election, are former leaders of the Klu Klux Klan, and are Democrats hired to smear conservative Republicans. 

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